Thursday, April 21, 2011

My final post.

This is my final post because Dasie took her last breath. Its kind of ironic that were ending this project because not to long ago Dasie life had ended. She was getting old and I had been expecting this. Her death date was 4-5-2011. I no longer have a rats, there four I no longer have a rat to inspire me for a new post. Not any time soon, but one day in the future I plan to have a rat again one day.
Although looking back at all my post iv got to say I think I did pretty a pretty good job with all my post. My favorite post would be “Emma's thoughts on rat owning”. I think it really shows how human really react to rats. And my least favorite post would have to be “Tips and check up on Dasie” only because I had a hard time getting into that post to write about it.
Iv learn so much to! Stuff like how the rat became a pet rat, where all rats where breed fro, and how darn similar rats are to humans. And rats really would of haven’t been notice if it weren’t a women named Marry. But looking up rats on line isn’t as easy as you think, there’s not to many web sites showing rats past. But there is plenty of web sites naming the kinds of rats and how to care for them. Which I also learned from web sites and from my own first hand experience that rats make a wonderful first pet. It teaches you responsibilities like cleaning the cage, the well being for your rat, feeding, ect. But in return a child could enjoy a happy rat for all the hard work they put into it. So I cant really say there wasn’t to much that was hard to work threw. I always found a way. Most of all the knowledge I learned I learned about rats that I didn’t already no was rewarding enough. But as I said before I am no longer continuing my rat blog. But I hope some other rat owner out there and well inspired to blog about there own rat. There is so much to rats, I named most of them in my blogs. Things like how rats became domestic, rats compared to the rodent family, a rat owners thought on rat owning, tips on how to care for a rat, rats understanding for cause and effect, how to train a rat how to beg, the basics to rats, rats similarities to humans, and a rat as a pet, So forth. I want people to learn that rats are not scary but friendly. And I hope my blogs showed the good thing to rats, there qualities and similarities. Maybe now I help more people see the positive rather than negative. Lately rats have been shown in a better light. Movies like Ratatoy, Wanted, and plenty more. Although now its time to end my blog just the way I had to except the loss of my rat Dasie.

 i choose this picture because it reminded me of my rat Dasie.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The history of how the rat became a domestic pet.

In the 1800’s is when they started breeding rats for competitions. The competitions were to see which rat terror could kill all the rats the fastest. Pretty cruel, But entertainment back then. So as people starting breeding the rats some people became aware of how a rat is like a dog. It was then rats were starting to be seen as little pets. In fact they called the rat the “fancy rat” signifying that it was upper class to live with people rather than the streets and corners or houses. But it wasn’t really popular to own a rat till Miss Mary Douglas came along. In 1901 Miss Mary Douglas, the “mother of the rat fancy,” open the door for rats. Unfortunately, the popularity of fancy rats began to decline after the death of Miss Douglas in 1921. Less and less interest in rats was shown over the next few years and in 1929 the club was reorganized dropping the word rat from its name. The National Mouse Club is still in existence today.
Over the next 45 years interest in fancy rats was very sporadic. Several times there were people interested in starting rat clubs; however, there was never enough support to really have a go at it. 1976 was the turning point. In January of that year the National Fancy Rat Society was founded. This was the first ever “rats only” organization. It set standards, published a newsletter, and held shows. Since 1976 interest in fancy rats has grown enormously, and many new varieties have been found and standardized.
It is still not clear today how the rat became domestic in the united states. Most likely catching them and keeping them as pets. And I’m sure the rat clubs help out a lot. So then came pet shop owners breeding rats and apparently many people who bred animals for pet shops also supplied them to laboratories. Weird if you ask me. But non the less I’m happy rats came to be as they did or I would never have the grate pleasure of owning a rat myself. So any of us rat owners out there can thank Miss Mary Douglas.

thats a rat terrier. they were the ones who caught rats in the 1800s.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Rats Compared to the rodent family.

The rodent family is quit a big family. But to slim it down to the main animals, there’s mice, rats, squirrels, chipmunks, gophers, porcupines, beavers, hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, and chinchillas. But in this blog I’m comparing rats to all the other rodents. Ill start with mice. Mice are most commonly used on experiments, as are rats. But rats are smarted and science can do so much more with rats because of there intelligent. "Rats have been used in experimental mazes since at least the early 20th century." -Anne Now squirrels I heard are fun and cute pets. I don’t have any experience with squirrels but they look like fun critters. Non the less there wild animals and they belong in trees and parks. Rats well much rather stay inside with you then be released into the wild. Its safer. Chipmunks are most famous for singing in high pitch voices. Enough said right there, leave them because rats are better. Gophers live under ground so I’m not to sure how they would hold up as a pet. But rats and gophers both like to burrow. Its how they stay warm when winter comes blowing by. So porcupines is something I no people take in as pets. In fact I wanted a porcupine before I ever wanted a rat. I cant tell you weather they make a good pet or not but I no they’ll hurt when there scared. Ok at first I couldn’t believe beavers were part of the rodent family but it makes since because they burry them selves like ever other rodent. Non the less there not made to be pets. There so wild, but so intelligent to! Hamsters. In my opinion are the worst of all rodents. They sleep all day and make a bunch of racket at night. There highly stupid and escape artist. And they wont come back! It least rats no where to get there food so they’ll always come back to there cage if they ever get out. Rats are loyal unlike hamster! Guinea pigs to me are just a bigger version of hamsters. No good. Gerbils are like the smaller version of hamster, still no good! Now chinchillas are cure as everyone knows. I have never had one as a pet but id love to experience owning one, one day. I don’t know much about them but I only want one because there so darn cute! (just like rats!) "Chinchilla fur is considered the softest in the world and is thirty times softer than human hair." -(unknown author) 
Maybe I’m biases because I own a rat and I think there all better than the rest but Iv good reasoning. You can tell me what you think of owning anyone of these rodents.

flattened chinchillaThat is a chinchilla.

And those two wonderful rats are mine! the brown pass away about a year ago. the white one is still alive today.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Emma's thoughts on rat owning.

In this seventh blog I interviewed a young lady by the name of Emma Medoews. She is a previous rat owner and I got her thoughts on owning a rat, and just seeing a rat in general.
1.       When was the first time you saw a pet rat? What was your reaction?
2.       What made you want a pet rat for yourself?
3.       Do you find rats adorable? What’s your favorite feature of them?
4.       What’s the hardest part of taking care of rat?
5.       How many rats have you had? How long did you have them?
6.       What’s the best part of owning a rat?
7.       What are some of the silly things you did with your rat?
8.       How often did you have to clean the cage?
9.       How did your rat get its exercise?
10.   How do you think rats came to be as pets?
1. wheni was 7 i saw my first pet rat. i thought it was gross but kinda cute.
2.there really loving and actuly not gross. it was the first pet i could have beacause it was small.
3. ya i guess so. my favorite feature on a rat is there colors.
4. cleaning its cage!
5.i only had one that was mine. and i had her for three years.
6. playing with my rat!
7. let my sister put it up her pants.
8. you should do it once a week.  but i only did it twice every two weeks.
9. i had a rat ball and she toures the hole house.
10. probly the same way dogs, cats, and hourses came to be pets. someone thought it was a good idea.

All in all you can tell miss emma really enjoyed her rat. There not as bad as everyone thinks. She got hers when she was seven so you can tell its a good pet to have to start learning responsablity.

And heres a video of a person we all have seen before, rapping about his rat.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

tips and check up on Dasie.

In the beginning of this project I said I would also include my own rat as to tell you how she’s doing and give you a little bit of my life to having a rat. Well dasie is pretty well up in her age. And like this book I’m reading called  :your world of pets”, it says rats, and mice live for about 3 to 5 years. Dasie is on her 4th year. There four she’s getting up there in age. To help you grasp how old that really is in rat years, its around an 80 year old women. She has back leg problems and I am starting to see how hard it is for her to get around her own cage, she is blind and deaf but still lives a happy rat life despite her troubles.
In this I read it mainly gave me interesting facts about rats, and some tips on owning a rat. First thing I learned was rats normally come from around Europe. Also something very cool I learned was all rats are descended from the brown rat even though you find different colored rats like black a sliver blue and white.
And when taking care of a rat for your first time its low for experience needed unlike hoarse and ponies. But before you even start taking care of the rat you need to pick out a healthy rat. Some signs of a healthy rat are clean ears, bright eyes, a clean tail area, a smooth glossy coat, a strong solid-feeling body, a nose that isn’t runny or stuffy, and an alert appearance. This book also gives tips as what to put in a rats housing. This is something I haven’t mention but no much about. You can put in milk carnets, have cut open soda bottles, toilet paper rolls, ect. Anything your rat can hide away in really. Like for my rat I normally use a shoe box. But that’s the basic for a rat that this book stated something’s I didn’t know and something’s I new much about.

Friday, March 4, 2011

RATS- and their unserstanding of cause and effect!

Did you know way back when people thought rats couldn’t grasp the concept of cause and effect. Not many animals can. But thanks to a researcher by the name of Aaron Blaisdell found out rats can very well, and easily learn to find the effect of there cause. Aaron said "But the gist is that rats can distinguish cause from coincidence,"
Blaisdell, the study leader, gives the rats even more credit.
See Aaron Blaisdell tested the rats in a unique way. First there was a lever and light. The rats had to press the lever and a light would flash. Each time that light flashed they were rewarded food. But if the lever was pushed and no light flashed there was no food for the rats. The rats had two levers to pick from, one with a flashing light and one with out. The rats had to find the lever with the flashing light in order to get there food.
So basically the rats realized if I press this lever and the light doesn’t flash then I am rewarded no food. But if I go over here and press this lever the light flashes and I am rewarded food! Trial and error in other words is what the rats did. Rats may not be smarted than humans but they grasp the concept like humans and learn quick likes humans. Its nothing but another reminder on how rats are truly like humans. In my own opinion id have to say a rat can beat a toddler maybe even a young kid in some lever pulling contest to test there smarts. Rats but yet again have impressed researchers with there wits, and smarts.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


How to train your rat to beg! “Rats can be easily trained to do simple task.” –Whitney. . If you ever tried to train a dog or cat a trick or simple task you found it took some work and patents. You’ve got to be repeated. Well teaching a rat something to do, it takes all the things a dog and cat needs to learn a task or trick, rats do it in have the time. There fast learners!
If you’ve ever seen a rat beg it looks something like in the picture below. They stand on their back legs and balance with their arms in a lower case “n” formation. Then they stick their nose real high in the air. So that way they look up at you as if there begging.

First things first with teaching a rat how to beg. You have to put your rat on a steady platform so they can stand. This can be a text book, table, anything steady! After your rat is well balance on a platform you find their favorite treat. Like Dasie’s favorite treat would be strawberries. So in my case with Dasie id take a little slice of strawberry put it in front of her nose then drag almost in a “J” formation up in the air so she stand on her two back legs. Once your rat is stand high up you reward her with the treat. Repeat these steps for five minutes or so. Then try again the next day with your rat. By then she or he should be getting really good at standing on their back feet for food.
Next you want the rat to follow you finger in the “J” formation. When he or she completes this its time reward her with a treat. By the third day of this your rat should have already gotten the hang of this. It was fast and easy. All in three days and fifteen minutes in all.