Friday, March 4, 2011

RATS- and their unserstanding of cause and effect!

Did you know way back when people thought rats couldn’t grasp the concept of cause and effect. Not many animals can. But thanks to a researcher by the name of Aaron Blaisdell found out rats can very well, and easily learn to find the effect of there cause. Aaron said "But the gist is that rats can distinguish cause from coincidence,"
Blaisdell, the study leader, gives the rats even more credit.
See Aaron Blaisdell tested the rats in a unique way. First there was a lever and light. The rats had to press the lever and a light would flash. Each time that light flashed they were rewarded food. But if the lever was pushed and no light flashed there was no food for the rats. The rats had two levers to pick from, one with a flashing light and one with out. The rats had to find the lever with the flashing light in order to get there food.
So basically the rats realized if I press this lever and the light doesn’t flash then I am rewarded no food. But if I go over here and press this lever the light flashes and I am rewarded food! Trial and error in other words is what the rats did. Rats may not be smarted than humans but they grasp the concept like humans and learn quick likes humans. Its nothing but another reminder on how rats are truly like humans. In my own opinion id have to say a rat can beat a toddler maybe even a young kid in some lever pulling contest to test there smarts. Rats but yet again have impressed researchers with there wits, and smarts.


  1. i noticed something about this and like i remember my great grndpa used to tell me about how rats used to roam in new york all the time he told he he had a few as pets lol i laughed at him and said rattatoi or how ever u spell it

  2. see that might be the only good thing about new york that i no of. so many rats! im happy to hear your grandpa had some as pets.
