Wednesday, March 9, 2011

tips and check up on Dasie.

In the beginning of this project I said I would also include my own rat as to tell you how she’s doing and give you a little bit of my life to having a rat. Well dasie is pretty well up in her age. And like this book I’m reading called  :your world of pets”, it says rats, and mice live for about 3 to 5 years. Dasie is on her 4th year. There four she’s getting up there in age. To help you grasp how old that really is in rat years, its around an 80 year old women. She has back leg problems and I am starting to see how hard it is for her to get around her own cage, she is blind and deaf but still lives a happy rat life despite her troubles.
In this I read it mainly gave me interesting facts about rats, and some tips on owning a rat. First thing I learned was rats normally come from around Europe. Also something very cool I learned was all rats are descended from the brown rat even though you find different colored rats like black a sliver blue and white.
And when taking care of a rat for your first time its low for experience needed unlike hoarse and ponies. But before you even start taking care of the rat you need to pick out a healthy rat. Some signs of a healthy rat are clean ears, bright eyes, a clean tail area, a smooth glossy coat, a strong solid-feeling body, a nose that isn’t runny or stuffy, and an alert appearance. This book also gives tips as what to put in a rats housing. This is something I haven’t mention but no much about. You can put in milk carnets, have cut open soda bottles, toilet paper rolls, ect. Anything your rat can hide away in really. Like for my rat I normally use a shoe box. But that’s the basic for a rat that this book stated something’s I didn’t know and something’s I new much about.


  1. awww that so sweet that you have had ur pet for awhile i told my mom that she should really gotta mouse but she says that the cats will bother it lol but can i ask you somethin? what if the rats mate and start having babies what am i supposed to do after that what steps do i take to make them healthy

  2. the mother rat well do all the work to keep her babys helthy. although for reasons i dont no of the mom well some times eat her babys. just watch out for that. (but its not that common) and by the way my rat and cat are best friends. not all cats want to kill the rat. you can make them friends.

  3. idid not know that all rats desnedit from a brown rat that relly cool in a way there just like us
