Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Emma's thoughts on rat owning.

In this seventh blog I interviewed a young lady by the name of Emma Medoews. She is a previous rat owner and I got her thoughts on owning a rat, and just seeing a rat in general.
1.       When was the first time you saw a pet rat? What was your reaction?
2.       What made you want a pet rat for yourself?
3.       Do you find rats adorable? What’s your favorite feature of them?
4.       What’s the hardest part of taking care of rat?
5.       How many rats have you had? How long did you have them?
6.       What’s the best part of owning a rat?
7.       What are some of the silly things you did with your rat?
8.       How often did you have to clean the cage?
9.       How did your rat get its exercise?
10.   How do you think rats came to be as pets?
1. wheni was 7 i saw my first pet rat. i thought it was gross but kinda cute.
2.there really loving and actuly not gross. it was the first pet i could have beacause it was small.
3. ya i guess so. my favorite feature on a rat is there colors.
4. cleaning its cage!
5.i only had one that was mine. and i had her for three years.
6. playing with my rat!
7. let my sister put it up her pants.
8. you should do it once a week.  but i only did it twice every two weeks.
9. i had a rat ball and she toures the hole house.
10. probly the same way dogs, cats, and hourses came to be pets. someone thought it was a good idea.

All in all you can tell miss emma really enjoyed her rat. There not as bad as everyone thinks. She got hers when she was seven so you can tell its a good pet to have to start learning responsablity.

And heres a video of a person we all have seen before, rapping about his rat. http://kiwi.kz/watch/uzoemjjaiqf7


  1. lol real talk i gotta rat now and it bit me so i officially hate rats im sorry im jus a dog person but anyway are squirrels good pets.

  2. my blogs on rats Evan, why would i know anything on squirrels? and are you for real you have a rat now? i dont believe it!
